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Revodok Max 213 Ultra-High speed, Ultra-high efficiency


Ugreen Docking & Hubs

Make Work Simple | Easier | Efficient


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Revodok Max 213 Ultra-High speed, Ultra-high efficiency

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Ugreen Docking & Hubs

Make Work simple easier efficient .

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Quality Gadgets. Real results.


Quality Gadgets. Real results.

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Quality Gadgets. Real results.

Seamless Power Transfer: Fast and Efficient

Effortless connectivity and lightning-fast charging. Our USB Type-C to Type-C cable is your solution for seamless power transfer and rapid data syncing. Stay connected, stay powered, and stay ahead.

Expertly crafted chargers for all cable types

Simplify your charging. Our all-in-one chargers power up multiple devices simultaneously, eliminating the clutter of cables and adapters. Stay powered, stay organized.

Marley Cohen

Happy Customer

"Vivamus egestas tincidunt sapien at pulvinar. Nullam pretium lorem est. Mauris orci lectus, porttitor ac quam a, egestas."

Customers Speak: Ugreen Worth Celebrating

TJ Davis

Happy Customer

"Mauris orci lectus, porttitor ac quam a, egestas consequat lorem. Nullam tincidunt. Mauris orci lectus, porttitor ac quam."

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Lasting Results

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts. One day a line of blind text by the name.

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

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