- Three Phase 1000KVA
- Wide Three Phase Input Voltage Range(263-497V)
- Wide Input Variation Also Available(Optional)
- High Speed Servo Motor Control System
- 3 Phase balanced and unbalanced lined and load soft start system
- Ultra High Response Speed,Controlled Response from high torque low inertia servo system with no over shoot.
- High Output Accuracy better than +/- 1%
- High Frequency(approxymately 98% at full load)negligible wave form distortion.
- Under Voltage,Over Voltage, and phase failure protection.
- Surge and Speak Protection(Optional)
- Phase Sequence Protection
- Input/Output Supply Indications
- Manually and Automatic phase balancer bypass operation in case of system failure
- Auto reset system
- Un-effected by supply frequency
- Un-effected by load power factor
- Door Safety Switch to turn the power off when the door is opened and turn the power on again when door is closed.(Optional)
- 3 Phase 4 Wire Star Connection(Single Phase Available )
- By PASS Switch Provided
- Digital Display